The list below is a portion of the trainings Vickie has attended and uses most regularly. She regularly attends continuing education courses to stay current with the most up-to-date treatment approaches. If you are seeking a therapist with a specific certification or training you do not see here, please ask!
IAOM Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders Course with Mary Billings (40 hours)
SOS-Sequential Oral Sensory Approach to Feeding
SOFFI Method- Supporting Oral Feeding in Fragile Infants
Sensorimotor Approach to Feeding (Talk Tools)
Beckman Oral Motor
PROMPT Therapy (Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets)
Oral Placement Therapy (Talk Tools)
TOT's Specialty Training (tethered oral tissues)
Healthy Children’s Project Certified Lactation Counselor program
Melanie Potock- Feeding Therapy- It's not just about swallowing.
CAN-EAT Approach to Feeding
Kaufman Speech Praxis Treatment
Hanen: Learning Language and Loving It!
Teach Me to Talk- Laura Mize
Feed the Peds
Breathe Babies Course with the Breathe Institute
Oral Habits Course with the Breathe Institute
Guided Oral Movements with Active Patterning (GOMAP) for Infant & Toddler Feeding